Products section manages information related to individual items/products used in your organization. This can be any items/product used in your sales, stores/warehouses, material in production, consumable item, maintenance material, etc.
Creating a new product #
From the products list page or from a profile page of a product, click on the create/plus icon located at the top right corner of the page. Fill in all the mandatory and relevant fields and click on the “Create product” button at the bottom.
Field definitions #
SKU | Stock Keeping Unit, should ideally be a unique code to identify each of your products. Follow a naming convention to derive the most out of your SKU. Generally we recommend a SKU that is intuitive and as short as possible. |
Unit Price | This generally appears at most locations in the system by default. These include screens such as invoices, purchase orders, costing, etc. |
Threshold Price | |
Lowest Price | |
Display Price | |
Price Code | |
Purchase Price | |
Reorder qty. | |
Credit Period | |